Wednesday 9 September 2015

How to Create the Greatest Multi-Level Marketing Environment (by Brian Sax)

One of the greatest ways to have success in Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is to create the right type of environment in order to grow a large Team.  What are the characteristics of a great environment?  #1)  Respect.  We must respect everyone who takes a look at the business.  This means eliminating any mention of religion or politics in the MLM environment.  In doing this, we respect all around us.  #2)  Being non-judgmental.  Who are we to judge?  We must NEVER judge others, either consciously or subconsciously (this takes effort!).  Because 90% of communication is nonverbal and 90% happens at the subconscious, working on eliminating judgment from our being is super-important.  If people around us feel judged, that is a surefire way to drive them away.  #3)  Tolerance.  Whatever people’s beliefs, backgrounds, races, etc., we must always be tolerant.  Tolerance is the antithesis of judgment.  #4)  Acceptance.  Tolerance and acceptance go hand-in-hand. Tolerance, acceptance, and respect make people feel good.  An exemplary environment in MLM is one where others feel good…better in that environment than in the “real world”.  In everyday life, there is certainly a dearth of these great characteristics, and if these are trained and implemented in the multi-level marketing business environment, people will be so excited and feel so great about being in that setting, that you may never have to convince people to show up to meetings and training.  The result?  A Team that grows phenomenally fast with a lot of happy, satisfied people!

Brian Sax ACN is a multi-level marketing master with years of experience at ACN.  He has been a Senior Vice President (SVP, IBO) since 2003.  Mr. Sax built his success by creating the best environment for people on the Team as well as for those who are looking to join the Team.